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Flatbed Transport Services
We are a flatbed transport company
Our Flatbed Division offers a full range of services for flatbed loads across North America and Mexico. We maintain a modern diversified fleet and full range of specialized equipment to take care of your over-dimensional needs.
Diversified fleet
Let us help you
Our freight experts have a great deal of experience transporting all commodities and materials. In addition, we can offer guidance on equipment selection as well as permits, tarping systems, routing, clearances and inspections.
We welcome your questions and are happy to make recommendations that will best serve your organization’s flatbed needs.
flatbed transport
Fleet Attributes & Services include
- 48/53 ft Flatbeds / tandem and tridem
- Rolling tarp system
- Extendable Stepdecks
- LTL and Full Load Service
- Legal and Oversize
- Destuffing and transfer of cargo
- Tarps